what is Spiritual sobriety?

Spiritual sobriety is very simple. It means I’m no longer going to let my soul get crushed. It means I am not going to give into the assault on my being-ness. Think about how many times we get ‘assaulted’—why didn’t I get this promotion? Why did s/he break up with me? All of these indignities become assaults on us, and we tell ourselves that we are not good enough. Spiritual sobriety says that I am good enough. 

Principles of Spiritual Sobriety

  1. I am a unique spark of the Divine. There is no other me

  2. My dignity and self worth are my birthright. No one can take these from me without my permission

  3. I am neither better or worse than anyone else. We live in a world of comparing and competing. This way of being is Spiritual Death. 

  4. I am endowed with unique gifts and talents to repair my corner of the world/make it better.

  5. Shit happens- I have the choice to react or respond

  6. Connection to others, higher self and Creative Force of the universe is essential to my wellbeing

  7. The secret of my success is learning how to fail and keep moving forward.

  8. I do T’Shuvah/make amends where/when I have harmed another.

  9. Pain is essential, suffering is optional.

  10.  Prayer, study and meditation are essential to my Spiritual Growth.